Thursday, June 15, 2006

London Day 3

We started the day off with a little side trip to Friday street. Many many, years ago a small group of my family moved to the United States from London and their home was here on Friday Street. 

#5 Friday Street is no longer there, but this is where it would have been had it survived.

Friday Street was where the fish market families lived and worked in the 17th to the 19th centuries. It was fun to walk in those shoes for a few hours. To see where I had come from. 

We walked down Queen Victoria Street and then onto Peter's Hill and that led us directly to the Millennium Bridge. It crosses directly over the Thames right in front of the Tate Museum. It was completed in 2000 and has been nicknamed the "Wobbly Bridge" for which I can concur.

From the Millennium Bridge, we could see the Millennium Wheel, or as it's known, the London Eye. Luckily, I had pre-booked a ride and all we had to do was show up at the right time!

After all of that fun, we walked over to Buckingham Palace. They were setting up for the festivities of the Queen's Birthday.

Later that evening, we walked over to the Whitechapel District. You may recall a little historic event happening here in the 1880's with a gentleman named Jack the Ripper. We had a wonderful little English woman who walked us through all of the murder sites. Yeah, I know it's morbid and weird, but whatever. I wanted to go!

Welcome to London!

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